Practical examples

You will rarely have the space or time to use the entire story in your communication. But you can draw on parts of the story or use the resources on this site to help you hone your communication skills.

Use these general guidelines which provide advice on how to use the Transport story in different types of communications i.e. media releases, ministerial correspondence and community notices.

Below are some practical examples of how the transport story can be used in communications.

Narrative guidelines

These guidelines outline how to use the narrative in different channels, common challenges and minimum usage requirements. This document aims to help communication professionals use the Narrative, as well as to help guide others to use the Narrative.


These PowerPoint slides contain all of the key messages in the narrative. Alternatively the speaker could use our Exciting Future video at the beginning of their presentation.

Media releases

Here's an example of how you could integrate the Transport story (long form) in a media release.

Community notices

Here's an example of how you could integrate the story into a community notice/ update.

TIP: When you're talking to a community on an ongoing basis, you could use more of the story in the first notice to position the current work within the overall transport plan. Then, in subsequent communications you could take a 'lighter' approach, integrating the story in the opening paragraph. This will help people understand why we are doing the work and how it relates to the big picture.

Customer letter from the minister's office

Here's an example of how you could integrate the Transport story (long form) in a customer letter.


Here’s an example of how you can use the Transport story visually in a video. The video hits all of the key messages in the narrative to showcase Transport’s projects and initiatives in the technology space across the cluster.

Creating your own

Refer to the section 'How to use the Transport story' which outlines key parts of the story that you should always consider:

You will rarely have the space or time to use the entire story in your communication. But you can draw on parts of the story or use the resources on this site to help you hone your communication skills.

Use these general guidelines which provide advice on how to use the Transport story in different types of communications i.e. media releases, ministerial correspondence and community notices.

Below are some practical examples of how the transport story can be used in communications.

Narrative guidelines

These guidelines outline how to use the narrative in different channels, common challenges and minimum usage requirements. This document aims to help communication professionals use the Narrative, as well as to help guide others to use the Narrative.


These PowerPoint slides contain all of the key messages in the narrative. Alternatively the speaker could use our Exciting Future video at the beginning of their presentation.

Media releases

Here's an example of how you could integrate the Transport story (long form) in a media release.

Community notices

Here's an example of how you could integrate the story into a community notice/ update.

TIP: When you're talking to a community on an ongoing basis, you could use more of the story in the first notice to position the current work within the overall transport plan. Then, in subsequent communications you could take a 'lighter' approach, integrating the story in the opening paragraph. This will help people understand why we are doing the work and how it relates to the big picture.

Customer letter from the minister's office

Here's an example of how you could integrate the Transport story (long form) in a customer letter.


Here’s an example of how you can use the Transport story visually in a video. The video hits all of the key messages in the narrative to showcase Transport’s projects and initiatives in the technology space across the cluster.

Creating your own

Refer to the section 'How to use the Transport story' which outlines key parts of the story that you should always consider:

Page last updated: 13 Mar 2019, 05:29 PM