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Profile of Vanessa D'Souza

Tell us a bit about your work history, how did you get here?
My career started in India as a HR Management Trainee (Graduate) at a Marriott Group resort and then with a German pharmaceutical firm. I moved to Australia in 2006 and worked at the Australian Catholic University before starting my Transport journey with RailCorp in HR Policy, then moved to TfNSW and am now in the Leadership and Corporate team within OD.

What’s one tip about working here that has helped you be successful?
The one tip that I have learnt working in government is not to allow the bureaucracy to dampen my spirit. I look around and see wonderful people working all around me doing their very best to deliver against all odds and this keep me going everyday.

What are you passionate about?
I am passionate about my dessert ......seriously...I could give up lunch or dinner if I knew that I had a great dessert after

What would you tell your teenage self if you could go back in time?
I would tell my teenage self to be bold and experiment, to take risks and not be afraid to fail.

What have you created that you’re most proud of?
My kids (Rishaan 9 yrs and Roneil 3.5yrs)


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