Surveillance testing now mandatory for some of our people

Mandatory testing requirements are now in place if you live or stay in the Fairfield Local Government Area and have to leave home to work outside that area, as well as for our people travelling to regional NSW from Greater Sydney for work.

Under the updated Public Health Order, Transport has an obligation to make sure that all our people working on our services or anyone accessing any of our premises has undertaken a COVID-19 test within the specified timeframe and has proof of the test available to show on request.

Proof of testing – how it will work

To help make it easier for everyone who has to undergo mandatory testing and at the same time make sure we meet our obligations under the Public Health Order, we’ve developed a cluster-wide approach:

  • For our people affected by the new mandatory testing requirements, you will be required to complete an online formto declare that you have met your COVID-19 testing obligations prior to the beginning of each shift.
    • This form can be completed on a smart phone, iPad or computer and a paper form will be available where online is not accessible.
  • Leaders will soon be in contact with our people identified through payroll data who we think live in or stay in the Fairfield LGA and have to leave home to work outside the area who would need to be tested on a 3-day basis.
  • As payroll data may be incomplete, we are also asking you to advise your leader if you live or stay in the Fairfield LGA so that they can have a conversation with you around your obligations and we can support you.
  • You may not be asked to show evidence of a test each shift but you will need to complete the declaration to confirm that you’ve met your testing requirement each shift.
  • An SMS text message or email from the testing organisation can be used as evidence that a test has been taken and you will need to have access to this at all times in case we need to sight it.

If you encounter any issues with the form or anything else, please contact the TSS Service Centre on 133 877.

Continue to come to work – testing

You are not required to isolate following surveillance testing. Please make sure you understand the difference between surveillance testing and testing when you are unwell.

We’re working on setting up extra testing sites for our people and will provide further information on this soon. You may also like to use a local testing site on your way to or from work and can find locations here.

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