Livestream wrap-up and latest FAQs

Distribution Date - 21 January 2022

Livestream wrap-up and latest FAQs

Thank you to everyone who tuned in to our all-staff livestream yesterday. Here’s a wrap-up of what was discussed, and some answers to the most popular questions.

Rapid antigen testing

We’re working across government to ensure we have an adequate supply of rapid antigen tests (RATs) for our people, especially those working at critical sites where testing is a requirement.

While there is a global shortage, the whole-of-government approach is to prioritise availability to certain groups, such as school children (as we return to school), health workers and people working directly with vulnerable communities.

The availability of RATs is expected to improve over the next few weeks, and as supply improves, we will reassess who needs access to RATs on a priority basis.

Contact tracing

We recently introduced a new contact tracing system for managers to help minimise the transmission of COVID-19 at our workplaces. This is helping us identify potentially exposed workers and allows us to take swift, appropriate action.

In addition to this, we will soon be implementing our very own Transport QR code across all our workplaces. This will allow everyone to check in when attending a worksite and will notify people if they have been in the building the same day and time as someone who has tested positive. More information on this will be made available soon.


More of us are now eligible for a booster with the recommended interval between your second dose and booster reduced from 4 to 3 months.

You're encouraged to get your booster as soon as you’re eligible and can book through the COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic Finder.

Regardless of the time of your vaccination appointment, you can also apply to be paid two hours base pay (in addition to normal hours) to attend your vaccination appointment. Complete the Payment of COVID-19 Vaccine Request Form.


Yesterday, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) granted provisional approval for the COVID-19 vaccine, NUVAXOVID (Novavax). This is the first protein COVID-19 vaccine to receive regulatory approval in Australia and is intended for people aged 18 years and over.

Novavax still needs final approval from the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI), which will decide who the vaccine will be made available to.

Hybrid working

We're continuing to assess the benefits and risks of how our people work across Transport, including any planned return to the office under a hybrid working model.

Hybrid working gives us the ability to respond quickly to changing needs and circumstances and we will dial up and dial down our ability to work at home or in the office, depending on the circumstances.

However, at this stage, we encourage people to continue working from home where possible.

Latest FAQs

How soon after testing positive to COVID-19 can I get a booster?

Even if you get COVID-19, it is still recommended that you get your booster. You’re able to get your booster as soon as you feel better again and once your self-isolation period is over. Speak to your GP if you’re unsure about the interval or have any other concerns.

Will boosters be mandated?

Transport will encourage and support people to get booster shots as it provides further protection against the adverse effects of COVID-19. We will continue to review controls to secure the best health and safety protections for our people, customers and the community, as per our obligations under work, health and safety laws.

Does the approval of Novavax impact my exemption for the COVIDSafe Measures Policy?

If you sought an exemption to the Transport COVIDSafe Measures Policy because you have a preference for Novavax, and you are not yet compliant with the Policy, someone from the Implementation team will be in touch to discuss your individual circumstances and what this means for you.

View more of our COVID FAQs.

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