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VET Cadet bi-monthly catch up

On 4 July we held our second bi-monthly VET Cadet catch up. The purpose of these catch ups is to provide program updates, listen to guest speakers from across the cluster and facilitate development workshops which may benefit the VET Cadets. In our latest session we facilitated a workshop around interview preparation and skills. The group was split into two and they brainstormed some key strategies and ideas on how to best conduct an interview. The outcomes from the workshops will be captured and uploaded on Talent HQ by Friday 13 July 2018.

For regional VET Cadets we will be facilitating a one-on-one workshop in your local area over the next few weeks to ensure that you are also getting the same information.

The next bi-monthly catch up is on 19 September 2018. Invites have already been sent so please make sure you come along to the next session.

We would love to hear suggestions from all the VET Cadets about the topic area of our next workshop. Please send through your suggestions to

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