The Other Side of Self Care

Self-care means a lot more than following a ‘treat yourself’ mindset. It is first and foremost, about looking after your health and well-being without making excuses. For some, this means being more financially responsible, organised and proactive.

1. Setting a Budget

Coming into Christmas, Santa’s got lists, and frankly, so do you. It’s that time of the year where sales and promotions bombard our texts, emails and social media. With the impending pressures of what to get for your family, friends or secret Santa, we tend to treat ourselves, when really, having a budget is more important than ever!

Set 30 minutes aside today and list out all your sources of income and your fixed expenses. Create a SMART saving target and honour that when going out and hitting up those sales! This way, you can come into 2020 feeling prepared and more in control!

2. Declutter

A wise woman once said, ‘discard everything that does not spark joy’. Following the footsteps of organisational consultant Marie Kondo, avoid clutter this Christmas by sticking to the ‘one in, one out’ rule – for every one thing that comes in, one needs to go out.

3. Plan Ahead

With New Year resolutions coming up, take 30 minutes to set your goals for 2020 and another 30 to pencil in time to work on them during the coming year. Commit to a set time per week and you’ll achieve these goals before you know it!

Christmas should be a wonderful time for all so it’s time to roll your sleeves up, and have another look at your Christmas lists. Scroll past the dinners, the parties and presents, and just like the stars on Christmas trees, make sure you’re on top of everything.

Self-care means a lot more than following a ‘treat yourself’ mindset. It is first and foremost, about looking after your health and well-being without making excuses. For some, this means being more financially responsible, organised and proactive.

1. Setting a Budget

Coming into Christmas, Santa’s got lists, and frankly, so do you. It’s that time of the year where sales and promotions bombard our texts, emails and social media. With the impending pressures of what to get for your family, friends or secret Santa, we tend to treat ourselves, when really, having a budget is more important than ever!

Set 30 minutes aside today and list out all your sources of income and your fixed expenses. Create a SMART saving target and honour that when going out and hitting up those sales! This way, you can come into 2020 feeling prepared and more in control!

2. Declutter

A wise woman once said, ‘discard everything that does not spark joy’. Following the footsteps of organisational consultant Marie Kondo, avoid clutter this Christmas by sticking to the ‘one in, one out’ rule – for every one thing that comes in, one needs to go out.

3. Plan Ahead

With New Year resolutions coming up, take 30 minutes to set your goals for 2020 and another 30 to pencil in time to work on them during the coming year. Commit to a set time per week and you’ll achieve these goals before you know it!

Christmas should be a wonderful time for all so it’s time to roll your sleeves up, and have another look at your Christmas lists. Scroll past the dinners, the parties and presents, and just like the stars on Christmas trees, make sure you’re on top of everything.

Page published: 19 Dec 2019, 10:54 AM