Quick note

This unit involves a fair bit of reading. We understand that reading may not be your favourite way to learn – but let us assure you, the other units will be much more interactive.

Why so much reading? In the first couple of weeks of your placement – you may find that you have spare time on your hands. It can take a couple of weeks to set up your IT login and you may not be given a steady supply of work until week 3 or 4. This is normal. We’ve given you this unit to help you fill that time in a productive way. Use this down-time to increase your organisational knowledge so that when you’re given your first project you can hit the ground running.

Some tips for making the most out of your reading:

  • Be curious - if something takes your interest, read further, explore additional links, watch videos, google search key words and projects.
  • Read actively – make notes. If there is something you don’t understand, write it down and discuss it with your placement manager or someone in your team. Take note of the link/document/page number so you can come back if you need to.
  • Break it down – a forty page document can be daunting! Set yourself smaller, more achievable goals. For example, read 10 pages per day.
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